Urent’s CTO Greg Holt looks forward to expanding the company
As of mid-21, Greg Holt is working hard on adding more features into the platform.

Urent redefines mobility in the tech space, while enabling a platform that will help traditional vehicle rental companies shift their entire business online. Moreover, the hosts on Urent will be able to list their fleet (Cars, Yachts, Jetskis, Atv’s, Motorcycles, just to name a few) while having multiple in-app features (i.e My Garage, in-app wallets, and rating systems) & have their fleet listed to Renters who wish to rent their fleet on the platform.
The startup offers the opportunity for businesses & individuals to utilize & monetize their depreciating assets by listing their vehicles for rent.
Urent was founded by Omar Al Ashi and Greg Holt in 2018 and is backed by solid investors.
Now, Greg Holt is working hard on adding more features into the platform. Moreover, recently some news portals also stated that Urent has also improvised their sanitary methods and also hiring new employees after seeing a 200% rise in growth from last 2 quarters.
Who knows what’s going to come next? Stay tuned.
Also Read: Omar Al Ashi’s Startup ‘Urent’ Is Growing YoY Successfully