Here’s What You Need to Know About Mr. Jay Modi
5 years ago RichEndTechMr. Jay Modi is an automotive videographer and a design engineer based in Bedfordshire, UK.
Who is Jay Modi?

Jay Modi is a 23 year old engineer and an automotive videographer. He was born and raised in Bedfordshire, UK.
“My attitude from my parents to learn about how anything works if it takes your interest.”
“My family members who own large successful companies who have owned multiple luxury vehicles.:
“Cinematic Automotive content seen on Youtube, Movies and programs such as Top Gear.”
2013 onwards: Studied Electronic/Mechanical Engineering while working full time as a design engineer.
2014: Networking with individuals such as Yianni from Yiannimize which allowed me to meet even more people. This all stemmed from the early Gumball 3000 events that used to happen in Kingston, London from 2014 to 2015 before it was shut down. This sparked my passion for automotive media.
Around 2016: I met up with ‘The Driven U’K who helped me out in networking with even more companies which have allowed me to work with (but not limited to): Deranged Vehicles, Dub Customs, Rolls Royce, James Philips and a range of other Youtubers.
After spending time with a lot of Automotive Youtubers: MrJWW, 888MF, Seen Through Glass, Supercars of London, Seb Delanney, TGE TV, Archie Hamilton Racing, B7TMY, Sean Barret, I decided that I had enough skill and confidence to be able to make my own videos.
In 2019: I started my own Youtube Channel- Cars with Jay. With the soul purpose of reviewing cars from all price ranges, mostly focusing on ‘affordable cars’ and cars we wanted as kids.

How does Jay Modi spends most of his time everyday?
Jay usually starts his day with a coffee and by checking emails and other work related activities. If he’s not in the office, then he works from home. Around 5pm he’ll finish for the day and will go to the gym for an hour. After the gym, he goes for a home shower and sometimes help prepare dinner for his family. He uses his spare time for video editing for his clients, playing/learning piano or playing call of duty, GTA or F1 2019 to help relax. He spends considerable amount of time looking at cars on Autotrader or eBay. To develop and understanding of market conditions and look for any potential bargains.

Jay's future plans-
“My future plan is to leave my job in engineering and work for myself in the Automotive industry providing solutions in different aspects of automotive. I have some projects in the works and will hopefully be able to reveal them soon. After I generate enough capital, then I would like to start buying property like my father. The goal would be to generate as much residual income as possible so I can focus more on travelling.”- Jay Modi
Quotes written by Jay Modi-
Motivational advice by Jay Modi-
Life is a journey! For some, it comes quickly or easy! For others, slower and harder. It’s easy to feel left behind but the only way to move forward is to explore, leave your comfort zone and take risks. Moreover, the more you fail, the more you learn and the quicker success will come. Being scared of failure will always prevent you from succeeding. One thing’s for certain is that ‘nothing in this life is a shortcut to success‘. You should always remember that not many people care about what you say, so you should say what is on your mind and you just might connect with the right person. This is how I was able to get the opportunities I have today driving my dream cars and travelling because I was out of my comfort zone and happened to be in the right place at the right time. I could have never planned how things would turn out back in 2014 but I am so glad that I put myself out there.