Alii Muhammed is an unprecedented Rapper with a funny, motivating and amazing personality. Here’s what you need to know about Alii Muhammed.
Who is Alii Muhammed?

Alii Muhammed is an unprecedented Rapper with a funny, motivating and amazing personality with an inspiring celebrated personage who has subsisted through a lot of hardships and has reached the zenith. Moreover, the ace has again proclaimed an unprecedented task, distinguished for his outlandish talents and multitudinous personality traits. The news of him creating the content for a remarkable and stupendous rap has already clouded the internet.
Alii has worked with multiple luxurious fashions, automotive and hospitality brands in Dubai such as Prada, Louis Vuitton, St Segis Hotels, Ritz Carlton, Bentley, and Jaguar. However, in the current niche of Digital Content Creator in Lifestyle, Menswear, and Luxury, he is just truly unexcelled. He is one of the youngest and most successful content creators in Dubai with consummate and elegant skills of story telling, content creation, writing, speaking, etc.
Today Alii is one of the youngest and most successful content creators in Dubai. His procurement encloses being the youngest person to travel with Mariott Middle East Hotels for a press trip in Cairo 2018.
The Gargantuan Journey of Alii Muhammed
Irrespective of his stupendous splendor and grandeur, Alii’s journey has overflowed with hardships. Furthermore, Ali Started blogging since 2014, he had a major weight loss journey and has lost 20Kgs in just 4 months and shared his journey on Instagram inspiring many young folks to adopt a healthy lifestyle. After Losing his weight, he has flexed his Instagram page into fashion and has been working with plenty of brands since 2016.
We wish him to climb the steps of success much faster and be at great heights. Good luck!