RichEndTech Community Code of Conduct
Welcome to the RichEndTech Community – We are dedicated to maintaining a very respectful community that actively engages in discussions about the published news stories and blog posts. You must keep the following in mind when writing your comments.
Respect Others – You need to be polite with all the members of our Community, which includes other commenters, authors and the subjects of articles. You should also keep in mind that there are real people who are reading your comments.
Safe Space – Above all, we believe strongly that the RichEndTech Community should be a very safe and welcoming space for all the individuals, groups and their respective ideas. Any sort of rudeness, insults, hate, etc., may be removed and you can also lose your ability to comment.
Moderation – In order to provide a safe space for RichEndTech community, comments may be pre-moderated by our team before posting to the site.