Labaydan is one of a kind E-commerce channel in the GCC region. Here’s what you can know more about Labaydan.
What is Labaydan?
Labaydan is one of a kind E-Commerce channel in the GCC region. Moreover, it’s a brand that was launched in 2017 taking the bar of the Automotive Industry to a different level by providing a unique set of services and facilities to its motoring members and customers.
Labaydan on Instagram

Labaydan is currently submerged into multiple aspects of automotive sectors, which include but not limited to Media Coverage of Automotive events, Coverage of Vehicles designed by motoring enthusiasts, VIP Coverage of events pertaining to automotive industry, Sale & Purchase of vehicles spare parts, advertising of events and vehicle launches, Vehicles Reviews, Garage Reviews, Sponsorships and Many more. In addition, Labaydan also has multiple other subsidiaries that include La Enforcements entity under which there are multiple listed Motoring Clubs run by the La Enforcements Crew.
What's the Aim of Labaydan?
The aim of Labaydan is to empower its members and customers to be part of its family and grow together in the automotive world, it be either an Automotive Consumer or a Vehicle owner; Labaydan provides services for all kinds of customers. Go check out their Instagram page here.