Entrepreneurship never takes a leave, be it an hour or even a second. To further explain the uniqueness and importance of consistency in managing a business, Dubai based entrepreneur Abubakr Siddiq shares his personal experience and the importance of starting the new year with new visions as an essential part of success.
Use your skills as a Time for Reflection
A budding entrepreneur should invest most of his time in their business and compare the success with the previous year. It’s also vital for an entrepreneur to look out and compare the differences from the last year results. Once the business owner evaluates the accounts, they can dive deeper and discover what works and what doesn’t.
Focus on both Short-Term and Long-Term Goals
Essentially, an entrepreneur solely aims to achieve the best for their business. Although getting good returns and being financially well off is a long-term goal, an entrepreneur needs to have more defined goals and even a combination of both short – and long-term ones. This allows them to have small goals to achieve that can also increase their confidence because they will see the fruits of their success paying off.

Ultimately, Abubakr Siddiq wants his followers to know that customer satisfaction should be the main priority.
Be as Specific as Possible
While this tip is especially beneficial for all budding entrepreneurs, it can also apply to anyone who’s looking to make new goals in 2023.
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For example, if your goal is getting more clients or customers, a person technically achieves this by getting only one more customer or client in the new year, which is a little. However, when a person sets specific goals, they have a their target set. Now they can then continuously keep a track on their customer statistics to see if they achieve their goals. For instance, Abubakr recommends setting a goal like getting 1,000 new customers this year.
Look at 2023 as a world of newer possibilities and use it to make a positive impact on the economy. All of that starts with creating goals to solve the customers’ problems.
Abubakr Siddiq
Follow Abubakr Siddiq on Instagram @abubakr.dxb